Welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

I believe that we are designed to exist with the whole of ourselves being able to commune together and take up space. I believe in the inner healer and that every being has an inner wisdom of their own; that when all parts of us are welcome, heard and attended to we can exist more fully and expansively within ourselves and with others. I work intuitively with clients to access their inner wisdom in the process of integrating all parts and experiences. 

I am committed to cultivating a culture of inclusion. What this means is an active commitment to creating a therapy experience (and society) where all can feel safe, seen and valued. It also means I am committed to staying open to learning and listening to the voices that are often left unheard and working collaboratively to deepen my ability to honor the experiences of all humankind and work toward equity and dignity for all.

I welcome all and aim to celebrate the diversities inherent to our human existence. I welcome and affirm all gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, racial, ethnic or cultural identities, relationship structure preferences, neurodiversities, spiritual/religious affiliations, body abilities, education levels, financial means and ages.